Welcome to Feltability

We believe in the innate need to be creative and to express ourselves by working with our hands. Creative hands connect body, soul and mind and consequently, strengthen the very core of our being.

"Today, more than ever, the crafts have the mission to reconnect the human being to the Earth and her substances, bring healing to the senses and soul, and foster the creative capacities.

Renate Hiller

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In today's work and home environment we are frequently preoccupied with cell phones, tablets and computers. We often limit the use of our hand to basic movements such as typing or moving a mouse. Moreover, in many areas of work our focus is almost entirely on our mental abilities creating an imbalance in our life. 

from: Handwork and Handicrafts (1937) by Hedwig Hauck from indications by Rudolf Steiner:

«Technology enters into all departments of life, and attempts are made on all sides to extend its influence. It even invades the world of art, and introduces mechanism where there was once a living intercourse between the soul of the human being and the work created by his hands.(......). It is important, therefore, not only to enliven the artistic sense in those who receive the finished work of art, but to awaken the faculty of artistic activity itself, and to rekindle it wherever it is in danger of complete extinction.»


Sadly, due to a lack of experience many adults feel that they do not have the necessary skills to be creative but we believe van Gogh when he stated:

“If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

Vincent van Gogh


It is tremendously rewarding to work with people who say they're not creative, watch them concentrate, struggle, experience a sense of self and finally see them create something beautiful and leave feeling refreshed and confident.